Art Tokenization

Hire us to create your art-backed tokens and distribute them on your primary token platform (ITO).  

Art Token Development

It is n artwork-backed end-to-end token architecture for the art business. We help in auditing, legal, and technology to generate funds to acquire art. We develop coins compliant with many governments, thanks to the encoded regulations in our smart contracts.

At Codexpro, we provide an artwork-backed end-to-end architecture meant for the art business.
We provide due diligence, auditing, and legal services to valuation your work at Codexpro, giving them value. Our art tokens are based on blockchain technology, and they allow your investors to earn dividends or interest.

In addition, we provide a Crowdfunding Art Tokenization Platform for tokenizing galleries and raising funds for future development and purchases.

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Our Company Offers

Art Investment Tokens' Purpose

Tokenization of a Commercial Gallery

Our team of experts uses an audited fractionalization logic to assign ownership to a group of paintings but comply with the standards and regulations. You can then create a way of selling the art to raise funds for more projects and purchases through blockchain protocols like ERC721, TRC721, etc.

Tokenization of Trophy

We can help you to liquidate your trophy art and increase funding for new art acquisitions for your business in a compliant, secure, and irreversible ledger.

Tokenization of a single work of art

You can use our tokenization platform to create NFT for a single art piece. This is a great way that helps you raise funding to secure valuable art for galleries and collections.

Using a work of art as a token

You can tokenize the artwork as a non-fungible token. What verifies the legitimacy of the work is blockchain technology. Our tokenization platform will help you tokenize your artwork. We can also enable you to complete all the formalities and produce tokens using smart contracts. You can now transfer the tokens to the owner of the artwork being tokenized.
How does Tron Tokens Work​

Strategy for Art Tokenization

Art-backed tokens are changing how investors invest in them and how collectors get the paintings throughout the world. At Codexpro, we boast a team of legal advisors, financial advisors, and blockchain advisors that ensure we provide legal tokens.

Our developers constantly consult art enthusiasts and professionals on crowdfunding securities when tokenising assets. Our experts develop art tokens that feature a legal architecture, which you can implement on multiple blockchains. We have passionate developers that can help you tokenize your artwork within the legal framework.

We are determined to see your company succeed. This digital era needs you to adapt to change and embrace current solutions through the assistance of our experienced developers.

Why should you use Codex Pro Agency?

Our art tokens have a legal architecture that may be implemented on a variety of blockchains. Our multi-member team is extremely qualified to assist you with tokenizing your artwork within the legal framework.
We can assist you in turning your company around! Standing stationary in this digital age is equivalent to going backward. By integrating current solutions and supporting you through your company journey, we can work alongside you to help you go ahead.

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Crowdfunding Platform Development Company demo
Work with our Experienced Developers​

Art Tokenization Platform

Art tokenisation platform allows art owners to tokenize their collections, art pieces, and other commercial galleries. Codexpro has a great team to help you create a platform for the art token issuance business. The platform allows you to create tokens on Ethereum, Tron, blockchains, and Polkadot Hyperledger.
We are trusted by more than
0 +

200+ Active Clients

Codexpro offers surplus business opportunities by providing unique art tokenization solutions to every client.
Hire a Developer for a Crowdfunding Platform​

Codexpro's Art Tokenization Services

We are the leading art tokenization service providers who offer mission-driven solutions to help art owners raise funding for their businesses.
More than 100 companies had been
More than 100 projects had been
125 branches were established in Canada
and Eupore

Why Choose Us

Why Should You Hire Us to Develop Art Tokenization?

Codexpro has professional developers that boast real-world experience and can help you realize a lot of success in your business.

Technical Skills

Our developers have the required technical skills that help them work with art tokenization development solutions. They execute their work very well to meet the market demands.

Team of Experts

We boast a great team of experts who help you fine-tune your product with the best technology. They passionately work non your product and can help you set campaigns.

Rapid Advancement

Our items follow a well-defined roadmap to ensure that they suit your target market and advance smoothly. We can help your business grow tremendously.

Meaningful Results

Once you give the job, we ensure that you get what you pay for. We make a real difference because of our unique art tokenization skills.

Deployment & Testing

The presence of quality analysts makes it ideal for us to provide a bug-free and optimized project. They carry out internal testing before they let you have used your product.

Complete Assistance

After launching your product, we don't stop there. We can still offer you post-delivery services to help you focus on your business. We maintain a good customer relationship through this kind of assistance.


We have responded to some clientele’s questions about our art tokenization services. We encourage our clients to contact us whenever they need more information about our services.
Artwork tokenization is essentially a way of turning any work into a token that contains a unique identity and complete information. The token symbolizes art, and sales are recorded on a distributed ledger.
Experts recommend that you use an art tokenization company to token your art. This is because you need blockchain connectivity, a wallet to create stocks, and many toppings for various. It can be challenging to identify independent art tokenization, even though it appears straightforward
We should identify an artwork because we need broader access to tokenization markets. Another reason is to possess the right to a specific artwork and preserve it.
No. what the art tokenization platform does is encourage and enable the sale of artwork transparently. The gallery may serve as an escrow service by using its knowledge to carry out authentication and other services related to art tokenization.

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